Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Instead of fixing dinner....

Anyway, for SOME reason I got this idea while reading something totally unrelated regarding the NECA stuff-- primarily about the fear among the collectors-- and I mean SERIOUS TOY COLLECTORS-- that the Mousers would not be that articulate.

Don't ask me how this came from that, I've still not figured it out.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

R.I.P. Robert Asprin



Skeeve and Aahz are lost to me forever now.

Robert Asprin died the other day. I found out while at usagiyojimbo.com, and it floored me.

Robert A. was the reason I went to my first-ever San Diego Comic-Con. That was way back in the day (1987 I believe) when it was still at the old convention center, and you could actually buy comics there, and panels were not in rooms that could seat 100,000. He didn't attend, I found out, because his father had had a heart attack. I ended up, however, meeting the likes of Stan Sakai, Sergio Aragones, Larry Marder, Joshua Quagmire, Donna Barr, Barb Rausch...

The NEXT year he was able to attend, and I got to speak with him between panels one on one with NO crowds or "security people" or such that surround authors like him nowadays. It was the coolest thing in the world.

I loved the Myth Series, as well as the first few Phule stories, and was sad when he had stopped writing for a time. I knew little of his problems. I had a bit of trouble reading the co-authored stories, but I was glad to see that he'd started writing again (and now I understand the reason for having a co-author).

He was supposed to be attending a convention when he died.

Gad, it's been a smidge over 20 years since I first met him.


*goes to find copy of "Myth Directions", arguably the best of the series*

Sunday, May 18, 2008


I MUST make more effort to post in this blog! So much is going on...

Got my NECA turtles finally... Seriously, I'm having too much fun with them!

Anyway, by now you will have seen that 4kids.tv/show/tmnt/blog has begun posting "secret" as well as "final" designs for the new season.

These (apart from Donatello) are the same ones that Steven Murphy-- from MIRAGE-- got his ass reamed over posting a few months earlier because they were "NOT final"-- which is bull as they're being shown at this so-called "blog" as being the final product.

Leo still looks dumb. Don looks better, but they're still in need of someone buffing down those sharp pointy corners!

The reason I liked the 2k3 series was because of the style and detail and such-- NOW we're back to flat cartoony stuff like Fast Forward.

The only redeeming feature atm is the fact that the entire voice cast is back. Here's hoping it all goes well.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Back to the Sewers...


Yet these sewers have never looked so damn Clean and shiny and Bright!!!

I am going to have even more of a problem adjusting to the new style of THIS incarnation than I did to the Fast Forward stuff-- but at least IT tried to keep some of the visuals consistent with the 2K3 series.

Ah well.

Monday, March 24, 2008

The Lost Episodes


It's so nice to finally get to see these episodes on tv! I had posted this really cool discussion of "The Lap of the Gods", writing it in order to NOT give anything away to anyone who had not seen the other eps-- and then Mikey's had an unlooked-for melt-down-- such a shame, as Mike had just renovated the forums and they were lookin' WOOHOO!

Anyways, it was cool to see "Membership Drive"-- especially as a later "Fast Forward" episode showed Turtle Titan in his new costume (which appears at the end of this ep).

I can't wait for these to FINALLY be released on DVD HERE in the States. I still do not understand the thinking of 4Kids in this entire matter, but I do feel that Peter Laird and co. deserve a big Thanks for going ahead and having at least these thirteen episodes made. It's easy to get mad at him for certain things, but I do think that his having these made shows he does care about the guys.

Then again, I've always been a "the glass is half-full" sort of person.

Sunday, March 23, 2008


Man, I start to get a few comments at this site, then rl pulls me away!

Now-- to get caught up on things.

*goes to read posts from waybackwhen*

Monday, January 28, 2008

The Lost Season

WELL, 4Kids is finally going to show what we lovingly refer to as "The Lost Season", but they advertise as "The Lost Episodes"-- and we all know the eps. weren't lost, they were supressed!!!

I am so glad that I am finally going to get to see them on the TV and not on YouTube. It will be quite different. *nods*

Ah, Turtles-- HOW I have missed the incarnation that pulled me back into the fandom!

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Story recommendation


Okay-- all my vast readers out there-- go to this site and read the wonderful fic "Change of Perspectives"! Kunochi Nazena writes good Splinter-centric stuff, a rarity out there in the fandom!

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

The Laws of Physics

OR the laws of SOMETHING-- I'm watching "The Shredder Strikes Back" part one-- and how in the freaking world can HUN keep up with NOT only the rest of the thin Foot, but Leo as well? I mean he must weight like 500 pounds! HOW can something that freaking big move that fast???

*shakes head* Hun should have died of at least a stroke before long, in this chase scene-- plus he wears stupid shoes.

What the heck?

I can't believe I'm doing this, but what the heck? Maybe something good will come of it.

Welcome to Senseiluv. This blog will be a place for me to pontificate muse about Splinter in particular, TMNT in general, and Life if I feel like it.

I shall be the only member I think, so it's all good-- no flamewars will start up unless I have a disagreement with myself, or unless some of my online friends, out of sheer pity, will once in a while throw me a bone so to speak and post a comment as if they were really interested. You just GOTTA love friends like that!

Anyway, thanks for looking in!